Judy Youngblood is an active artist creating paintings, drawings, etchings
and relief prints. In 2019 she had a solo show, Unsettled Conditions at
William Campbell Contemporary Art, Fort Worth. That year, she was also
given the prestigious Printmaker Emeritus Award by the Southern
Gaphics Council International, the largest organization of professional
artist-printmakers in the world. In recognition of her achievements the
Forum Gallery at Brookhaven College, Dallas, hosted a retrospective
exhibition, Judy Youngblood: The Effects of Time and Weather during the
SGCI conference.
Youngblood’s practice explores the passing of time and the tension
between the human longing for reassuring repetition and – at the same
time — change. She is particularly interested in our human ability to see
only what we expect to see, to misinterpret, to assume our partial picture

is the whole, or to completely overlook the significant. Her art is multi-
layered, complex. She developes each piece slowly, building up layers of

meaning and changing visual emphasis to create a piece that is dense with
meaning and yet open to interpretation by the viewers.
Her current art is loosely built on the lines and patterns from daily
weather maps and images of weather – rain, snow, clouds, hail. She
explores the constancy, variation, and violence hidden within the familiar,
reassuring seasonal cycles.
Judy Youngblood’s art is in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Washington, D.C., The Brooklyn Museum,
Brooklyn, NY, The Museum of Fine Arts Boston, The Museum of Fine
Arts, Houston, The Dallas Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, Fort
Worth and many others. It has been included in over three hundred
invitational or juried group exhibitions around the world as well as many
private collections. She is a Professor Emeritus of Art at the University of
North Texas where she taught printmaking, book arts and drawing for
more than 20 years.