Art Consulting

As an initial complimentary service we offer both In-House (the Gallery) or In-Home Consulting.

We consider and utilize your current works to help you create a unified space by making small tweaks to the home. We do this by applying our knowledge of lighting, your own personal style, and current collection to create the most comprehensive design. We bridge the relationship you have with your art and your home to cultivate a unified and artistic feel that compliments what you want to highlight in your home. Think of it as a refresh rather than a remodel!

Purpose driven consultation:

  • Gives us a better understanding of what will work cohesively in the space
  • Allows us to identify artwork that will reflect and compliment the owner’s style
  • Provides an awareness of the homes’ colors, textures, and lighting scheme
  • Allows the client to connect with the art in their home and visualize the possibilities by closing the disconnect between a gallery space and the home.

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