About Steve Murphy

The enigmatic and the familiar are territories explored in Steve Murphy’s process. Simple forms which upon investigation reveal the complexities of their geometry. The work of Steve Murphy is imbued with a sense of calm yet countered with threatening aspects or perceived elements of danger. These dualities are crucial in creating that aura of mystery.

Steve Murphy’s work engages the classical elements of sculpture; form, volume, surface and edge. It is the result of a continued reductive investigation of those sculptural elements that produce simple yet engaging geometric configurations.

Steve Murphy works within a limited range of shapes, edge treatments and angles of repose. Juxtaposing these elements into multiple formats is the primary focus of his continued investigation and development.

His intent is to be nonspecific in alluding to recognizable objects. Steve Murphy’s titles are not to be construed as dogmatic or overly descriptive but more poetic in nature thereby enhancing the interpretive nuances of the pieces. The revealing of the unique physical nature of the selected materials employed adds to the allure of each piece.

Steve Murphy wants the viewer to bring their experiences to the work and find their unique connections to entice the viewer to enter into a quiet meditative experience when contemplating these works and hopefully gain fresh vision and insights of their world.